6 November 1938
Diana E.H. Russell was born in Cape Town on 6 November 1938. Her mother was British and her father South African. After completing her bachelors degree at the University of Cape Town, Russell left for Britain. In 1963, she moved to the United States where she completed her PhD at Harvard University, focusing on sociology and the study of revolution. Russell is known for her research on sexual violence against women. She has written books on the subject and was the first person to offer Women’s Studies. In 1963, Russell joined the Liberal Party of South Africa and was arrested while participating in a peaceful protest  in Cape Town.

Diana Russell Dr. Diana Russell has dedicated her life to stopping violence against women [online] Available at: www.dianarussell.com [Accessed on 27 September 2013]|

Women’s Media Centre Diana E.H. Russell [online] Available at: www.womensmediacenter.com [Accessed on 27 September 2013]