25 May 1986
Numerous attempts were made by the local government to clear informal dwellings at Crossroads in close proximity to the Cape Town International airport. The government’s plan was to relocate them to a new township called Khayelitsha (New home).   Eviction orders were issued and when the residents refused to move, their homes were destroyed. The residents here, were originally from the Ciskei and Transkei homelands (Bantustans). The removals occurred on 25 May 1986 and June of the same year. Allegedly a notorious group of men known as ‘witdoeke’ executed the evictions by setting alight the entire area, destroying vehicles and goods.. Countless houses were destroyed leaving 6 000 homeless.   It emerged the bloody fights that were prevalent in 1983, between  United Democratic Front (UDF) supporters and the ‘witdoeke’ who formed an alliance with the police against the UDF supporters, precipitated the removals. Additionally the ‘witdoeke’ instigated the mounting violence in the ensuing period, carrying weapons and attacking neighbouring townships. Fearful of these unceasing attacks many escaped and fled to Khayelitsha Township.

Bray, Roddy,'Crossroads', from Cape Town  site, [online], Available at www.capetown.at [Accessed: 24  April 2014]|Evans B.A.,'History of apartheid: Crossroads', from African History, [online], Available at africanhistory.about.com [Accessed: 24 April 2014]