2 May 1954
Bulelani Ngcuka, born in Middledrift, Eastern Cape on 2 May 1954, is a former African National Congress political activist and a lawyer. In 1998 he became South Africa's first National Director of Public Prosecutions. After his appointment he resigned from all political posts to avoid accusation of political bias and to distance the office from his political involvement.Like many political activists he was educated at the University of Fort Hare where he studied law. Because of his arrest and subsequent detention from 1982 to 1985, he completed his LLB through the University of South Africa (UNISA) while in prison.

Ngcuka, B., (1998), 'Bulelani Ngcuka Biography', from South African History Online, 2 May, [online], Available at https://www.sahistory.org.za [Accessed: 05 June 2014]|Mole, Sam., (2014), 'Bulelani Ngcuka, found himself the unwitting victim of a dirty tricks campaign', from The Mail & Guardian, 30 May, [online], Available at mg.co.za [Accessed: 05 June 2014]