20 June 1991
On 20 June 1991 the Kenya National Sports Council sent a letter to its 39 affiliated associations informing them that they were now free to invite South African athletes to compete in Kenya and to send Kenyan athletes to sports events in South Africa. This marked the end of Kenya’s 15 year ban on sports links with South Africa. The year 1991 saw many of South Africa’s apartheid modeled policies come to an end. In the same week as the ban was lifted, the country had just scrapped its race classification act.

Associated Press, (1991), 'Kenya Ends Ban On South Africa', from The New York Times June 21, [online] Available at: www.nytimes.com [Accessed: 11 June 2012]|Gadsen Times (1991), 'Kenya ends ban against South Africa', from Google News, 21 June,[online], Available at: news.google.com [Accessed: 11 June 2012]