25 May 1960
Violent clashes continued to take place in Pondoland (Transkei) between supporters and opponents of the African territorial authorities. 29 Africans were killed, 50 wounded. The combined forces South African military and police suppressed the violence that culminated into an open revolt against the establishment of the Transkei Territorial Authority.

SAHO, 'Bizana and the Pondoland Revolt 1946 - 1962' from South African history online, [online] Available at: www.sahistory.org.za [Accessed on 23 May 2013]|Africa Files Southern Africa Report Archive [Online] Available at: www.africafiles.org [Accessed on 23 May 2013]|SAHO, 'The United Nations Organisation's response to Homelands'. from South African history online, [online], Available at www.sahistory.org.za [Accessed on 2 June 2014]