24 March 1882
World Tuberculosis day commemorates the day that Dr Robert Koch astonished the world by announcing that he had discovered the cause of Tuberculosis. Around the world on 24 March each year, people partake in activities that they anticipate will raise awareness about the disease. The 2012 theme is “how Europe and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP countries) can strengthen each other in the fight against tuberculosis.” In South Africa, the occurrence of TB has tripled over the recent years. The high HIV infection has also proved to hinder its treatment.

Life Assist, Tuberculosis Centre World Tuberculosis Day[online] Available at: yourlifeassist.co.za[Accessed on 7 March 2012]|Tuberculosis Program South Africa, "World TB Day 24 March 2012",From:Tuberculosis Program South Africa,[online] Available at: www.cdc.gov[Accessed on 7 March 2012]