Patricia Johnson-Castle

Patricia Johnson-Castle hails from St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador. She is a Labrador Inuk and a beneficiary of the Nunatsiavut landclaim. She completed her Bachelor of Arts in African studies and philosophy in December 2014. Patricia has been and continues to be active in British Parliamentary debating, most recently as the Chief Equity Officer for the World Universities Debating Championships in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, as well as having served as the vice-president of the McGill Debating Union for 2013-2014, a deputy-chief adjudicator for the North American Universities Debating Championship 2014, and a co-convener of the North American Women's Debate Championship 2014. She is extremely interested in community identity formation, concepts of race and academic self-reflexivity. She is looking forward to pursuing her graduate studies in South Africa.


Dixson Pushparagavan

Dixson Pushparagavan was born in Sri Lanka but calls Montreal home. I am completing my degree in History and Canadian Ethnic and Racial Studies at McGill University. A fan of Arsenal Football Club, I like to read fantasy novels on my spare time, and play soccer. Main interest of study relate to the interactions of ethnic minorities, their degree of participation, assimilation, as well as retention of their heritage within their adopted nations. I also take interest in the narrative of marginalized groups such as the indigenous, LGBT and disabled communities.


Honor Lay

Honor Lay’s interest in the cooperative research project with SAHO stems from her passion for research and collaborative work and her interest in the scrutiny of public history. Honor completed her Undergraduate degree in History at McGill University with Minor concentrations in French and World Religions and is now completing her Master’s degree in Canadian History at Queen’s University. Outside of school, Honor enjoys travelling, music, and the outdoors.


Anna Hutchinson

Anna Hutchinson is in her fourth year at McGill University studying Middle East Studies and History. Over the course of her degree she has been an active member of the Middle East Student Association and has been on the editorial board of the undergraduate history journal. Her research interests include the history of Islamic law, anti-colonial resistance movements, and indigenous history.


Nusra Khan

Nusra Khanis in her final year of undergraduate studies at McGill University, in the honours History programme with minors in Middle East Studies and Political Science. Her academic areas of interest are currently post-colonial and post-modern theory, and immigration. She is also especially interested in regional histories of Asia and Africa.


Simon Pinsky

Simon Pinsky is 23 years old, born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia. He graduated from McGill University in December of 2013, majoring in history and minoring in philosophy. He is passionate about nature, outdoor activity and sports. In September 2013 Simon begins law school at the University of Victoria. He is particularly interested in the legal domains of environmental law, human rights law and aboriginal law.


Sophia Reuss

Sophia Reuss graduated from McGill University with a Bachelors of Arts in African Studies, with a focus on post-colonial literature, and minor concentrations in Philosophy and Molecular Cell biology. Her interests include the intersection of historiography and literature in Southern Africa.


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