20 July 1922
The League of Nations, an international body which preceded the United Nations, agreed to hand over three former German colonies as mandates. Tanganyika, which formed the greater part of the German colony Deutsche Ostafrika, was transferred to Britain and in 1961 became independent as Tanzania. The greater part of the colony of Togo and lesser part of it, Togoland, were handed over to France and Britain respectively. The Togo colony became independent in 1960 while Togoland became part of Ghana in 1957. The German colony of Kamerun was handed over to the French as Cameroun (which eventually became Cameroon in 1960) and to the British as British Cameroon North (became Nigeria in 1961) and British Cameroon South (eventually joined with Cameroon in 1961).

Dr. Heinrich Schnee, How the German Colonies Were Seized, Available at www.wintersonnenwende.com [Accessed : 19 July 2013]|

History of Cameroon, Available at : www.historyworld.net [Accessed : 19 July 2013]