Brothers and Sisters!

I send you warm greetings from the African National Congress on the occasion of Christmas and New Year.

Let us make the festive season an occasion for three things:


CELEBRATION and PRIDE in our nationhood which the Vorsters can never destroy;

REMEMBRANCE of our leaders, many of whom have now spent more than ten years of Christmases behind prison bars, and above all,

DEDICATION to the cause of the smashing of white supremacy in our land.

    In the year which has passed our people - the workers, peasants, youth and professional groups - have begun to show a renewed defiance. A fresh mood of determination to assert our rights to better conditions and to rule our whole country has shown itself. Let us therefore enter the New Year with even greater confidence and to resolve to mould the passion of our people into an instrument which will finally strike down the enemy.

    Let us Steel Ourselves for Sacrifice!

    We Can and Will Overcome!

    Amandla Ngawethu!

    Maatla ke a Rona!

    Power to the People!