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Discover important themes, topics and events from South Africa's past with our picks
This day in history
Find out who was born, who died and other significant events from this day in history
18 September 1992
History in Pictures
Significant or interesting images from history. Each image will guide you to related content.
Society and Politics
Topics, timelines and articles that cover the social and political history of South Africa from prehistory to the present day
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#FeesMustFall - Student Protests
Special Project: Contemporary Student Movements, #FeesMustFall, #RhodesMustFall etc.
Art and Culture
Topics, timelines and articles that cover the history of South African art, music, theatre, sports, heritage and media
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Lives and stories of notable South Africans and people closely related to our history.
Also see our biography index.
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Our classroom feature includes the history curriculum lessons for grade 4 to 12, plus past exam questions and answers. The history topics are linked to articles on our main website.
Additional curriculum content for other subjects, such as Art and Culture and Life Orientation will be posted as the material is developed.
Please send us your comments. It you are a teacher, feel free to share some of the resources that you and your colleagues have developed.
Topics and articles for school learners and teachers. These sections are based on the current curriculum
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