
Whereas it is expedient in view of the situation created by the "Native" Policy of segregation, discrimination and other repressive measures definitely adopted by the Government and Parliament of the Union of South Africa that the African races of South Africa as a national entity and unit should henceforth speak with one voice, meet and act in unity in all matters of national concern,

This Convention resolves that a Central Organisation shall be formed with which all African religious, educational, industrial, economic, political, commercial and social organisations shall be affiliated,
And to give effect to this purpose, the following Constitution shall form the basis of the organisation to be and which is hereby established, namely:—

1. Name:

The name of the organisation shall be the All African Convention.

2. Composition:

(a) The Convention shall be composed of accredited organisations and organised bodies duly registered with the General Secretary and which organisations and organised bodies shall be represented by accredited delegates at all meetings of the Convention.
(b) Any duly organised body with a constitution that expresses its objects shall be eligible for registration.

3. Objects:

(a) To act in unity in developing the political and economic power of the African people.
(b) To serve as a medium of expression of the united voice of the African people on all matters affecting their welfare.
(c) To formulate and give effect to a national programme for the advancement and protection of the interests of the African people.
(d) To assist in rehabilitating dormant and moribund African organisations and bringing together unorganised Africans into societies, communities or bodies affiliated to the All African Convention.

4. Officers:

(a) The Officers of the Convention shall consist of a president, a vice-president, a general secretary, a recording secretary, a treasurer and an assistant treasurer.
(b) The General Secretary shall be a paid official whose salary shall be deter­mined by the Executive Committee, from time to time.

5. Executive Committee:

(i) The Executive Committee shall consist of
(a) the officers,
(b) five representatives from each province.
Chiefs and, in their absence; their duly accredited representatives shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.
(ii) The Executive Committee shall have power to meet any further organisational needs of the Convention.
(iii) In case of emergency the Officers shall have power to act on behalf of the Convention subject to review by the Executive Committee,
(iv) If a member of the Executive Committee fails to attend two consecutive meetings without giving satisfactory reasons for his absence he shall forfeit his position.

6. Election:

The Officers of the Convention
(a) shall be elected by ballot at an ordinary general meeting of the Convention;
(b) shall hold office for three years, and
(c) shall be eligible for re-election.
The other members of the Executive Committee nominated in special meetings of provincial delegates at the Convention shall be elected at the time of the election of the officers.

7. Vacancies:

The Executive Committee shall be competent to fill any vacancy occuring between meetings of the Convention.

8. Finance:

(a) The general funds of the Convention shall be made up of
(i.)an initial registration fee of ten shillings and six pence (10/6) payable by each affiliating organisation for the first year;
(ii.) an affiliation fee of five shillings (5/-) per annum payable by each registered organisation for every consecutive year thereafter;
(iii) public or private donations and funds raised by such other means as the Convention may deem fit to devise.
(b) All Convention moneys shall be deposited with the treasurer.
(c) The treasurer shall deposit all Convention funds in an approved bank in an account d the "All African Convention."
(d) All cheques in favour of the Convention funds should be crossed "All African Convention."
(e) All disbursements from the Convention funds shall be made by cheque payments and must be signed by the treasurer, the general secretary and the president, or, in the absence of the President overseas, the Vice-President.
(i) The budget of expenditure must have been previously approved of by the Executive Committee.
(g) The travelling expenses of the executive committee shall be paid out of the Convention treasury when funds permit.

9. Audit:

The Executive Committee shall arrange for an audit of the Convention books by an ad hoc committee of the Convention, and shall present a report to the Convention.

10. Conference:

The Convention shall meet every three years, provided: -
(a) That the Executive Committee shall have power to convene a special meeting of the Convention whenever it deems it fit and necessary so to summon it.
(b) That on the requisition of at least three registered organisations submitted to the general secretary at least three months before the date suggested for the meeting and embodying the subject matter for discussion, the Executive Committee, at their discretion, shall convene, through the president, a special meeting of the Convention.
(c) That the Executive Committee shall meet at least once a year and may at its discretion invite each registered organisation to send one representative to a meeting for purposes of consultation.

11. Quorum:

The quorum of a Convention meeting shall be one third of affiliated organisations and that of an Executive Committee meeting shall be eight members.

12. Venue:

The venue of the Convention shall be Bloemfontein unless the Executive Committee or the Convention itself especially decide otherwise.

13. Amendments:

This Constitution may be amended at any ordinary Convention meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members in session, provided that twelve months notice of such amendment shall be given by the general secretary to all registered organisations prior to the Convention meeting at which such amendment is to be registered.