People's Republic of Mozambique, 
February 13, 1979

His Excellency Ayatollah Khomeini,(2) 
Islamic Republic of Iran

On behalf of the African National Congress and the oppressed masses of South Africa we express to you our immense joy at the glorious success of the Iranian revolution. Your victory demonstrates the irresistible power of a people united in the pursuit of a just cause. Your historic victory has shattered the infamous conspiracy of Reza Pahlevi and Vorster-Botha against our two peoples which guaranteed the racists their soil. Your victory therefore constitutes an enormous contribution to the success of our struggle against a brutal racist fascist dictatorship. The ANC joins all progressive humanity in the celebration of your achievement and welcomes the new Iran into the ranks of the anti-imperialist and anti-racist community of nations. We salute the heroic Iranian people. We lower our banners in memory of the fallen martyrs who made victory possible. Their blood has cemented our bonds of solidarity in common struggle for a just world. Long live the Great Iranian Revolution.

(signed) Oliver Tambo 
African National Congress (South Africa) 

2 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran which overthrew the Shah of Iran in February 1979.