... I should like to say that in discussing political and diplomatic action against apartheid, and against Portuguese colonialism, we should press for a shift in emphasis from what has been world condemnation of these systems to world confrontation of these systems, and with those countries and bodies and agencies which support apartheid and Portuguese colonialism. We have been condemning now at least for over a decade, with little results. It is difficult to think of any system that has been described with stronger terms of condemnation than the policies and practices of Portugal, of the Ian Smith regime and of the South African regime. What I think has been missing is how to confront them effectively at the international level.
Internally, the evidence of confrontation by the liberation movement, particularly against Portugal, is abundant. Against Ian Smith, the evidence is mounting. Inside South Africa, too, there is confrontation. It is important that there should be internal confrontation. It is important that confrontation should be stepped up. It is insufficient to embark on external pressures if there is a weakness in internal pressures. Indeed, the effort of the world`s solidarity movement can go largely wasted if they do not complement and if they are not based on strong internal action. If the internal action is weak, it needs to be strengthened.
Participate in Joint Action with Liberation Movements
A second approach to the question we would like to urge is a movement from the concept of supporting the liberation movement to one of participating with it, in a joint and simultaneous operation in which the activities of the liberation movements within the territories under domination and oppression are seen as a necessary part of international pressures. We think this idea of partnership and joint action has been missing for much of the time. It has been particularly missing in those areas of the struggle, like South Africa, where the extent of support to the liberation movement has, for various reasons I should say, fallen short of minimum requirements if one has regard to the power of the enemy there and the objective problems confronting the liberation movement. We urge that action against South Africa, Portugal and Ian Smith should be intensified externally; in the same breath we would also urge that the possibilities of intensified action within should be opened through appropriate means.
Mr. Chairman,(1) in your contribution as Chairman of the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonisation, you dwelt on the theme of the integration of the liberation movements into the United Nations system. That is implementation of the policy that we are pressing for, of participation with the liberation movement. What you have said must have been taken very seriously by the United Nations, as I know it is being taken seriously by the OAU, and it is for the purposes of emphasis that I raise the point.
South Africa - the Bastion of Reaction
Our aim in emphasising these realities is to show categorically that the bastion of reaction today in southern Africa is South Africa, and that unless this monster is subdued and ultimately destroyed, the struggle will be unnecessarily prolonged.
Consequently we ask the international community to effectively assist the liberation movement in South Africa to accelerate and develop the armed struggle. We ask that effective financial and material assistance be channelled to the liberation movement. We say this because we are convinced that the only viable solution to the problems of southern Africa is to break the backbone of reaction.
On the diplomatic front, we ask them to fight for the recognition of the liberation movements by the United Nations and all its agencies. In this direction some steps have already been taken and we suggest that this be pursued further. Recognition of us by the United Nations will constitute a proof that the world body is serious about its opposition to apartheid and colonialism, because it cannot seriously claim to oppose colonialism and apartheid if it does not recognise and support fully those fighting this evil system.
Given the necessary financial and material support by the international community, we will end this den of inequities in southern Africa. About our ultimate victory we have no doubt. But while giving this support, we urge some countries which have pledged to our struggle not to divide us. There has been a tendency on the part of some countries to discriminate against the liberation movements. Such a practice, in our opinion, only helps to further perpetuate our oppression and exploitation. All the liberation movements recognised by the Organisation of African Unity should be equally treated and supported.
1 Mr. Salim Ahmad Salim, Permanent Representative of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations