We are gathered here to pay our last respects to a man who because of his belief in the freedom of the people of his country was robbed of the citizenship of the land of his birth - South Africa...
He died whilst on a mission on behalf of our movement. Like those forces that advanced onto Berlin thirty years ago to liberate Germany, he was advancing onto Berlin in the service of our struggle to liberate South Africa and fell in battle just like any member of Umkhonto we Sizwe...
We pay our respects on behalf of the African National Congress to members of his family and assure them that the loss sustained by them is not theirs alone but equally felt by our movement in whose services he was fully dedicated. This will go down in the annals of our history...
1 M.P. Naicker, a trade union leader and journalist active in the liberation movement, was editor of Sechaba from January 1969 and was appointed Director of Information and Publicity of the ANC. He died while travelling to Berlin in connection with the publication of Sechaba.