She was born in Beckenham, London. The family emigrated to South Africa in 1927. She obtained a BA(FA) in 1950 from UN(P). From 1941 to 1950 she taught at schools in South Africa and from 1951-1952 at the L.C.C. schools in London.
On her return to South Africa in 1953 she taught art at the Umpumulo Training College, Mapumulo, Natal and from 1962-1963 at the Vryheid Training College.
From 1963 - 1981 she was the teacher in charge of the one-year Special Art Teachers’ Course at the Ndaleni Training College near Richmond, Natal.
From 1982-1985 she was Senior Lecturer in charge of Art at the Indumiso College of Education, Edendale, Pietermaritzburg.
On her retirement from teaching in 1985 she held two solo exhibitions, in 1988 at the NSA Gallery, Durb
an, and in 2001 at the Jack Heath Gallery, Pietermaritzburg. She participated in a number of group shows in Natal between 1988 and 1997. Her work is represented in public and private collections in SA.