22 March 1956
Reverend Martin Luther King leads a public bus boycott by Black people in Montgomery, Alabama, USA, for which he is arrested and spends six months in prison. King is recognised as one of the greatest human rights leaders of all time. His moving speech, "I have a dream", spoke to the hearts of people the world over, about injustice and racial oppression. His dream of freedom became a dream of Black people around the world. He condemned South Africa's apartheid regime on many occasions. On 10 December 1962 King and Chief Albert Luthuli launched a Humans Rights Campaign in which they appealed for "Action against Apartheid". In this campaign they called for: Demonstrations to mark 10 December, Human Rights Day Observation of 10 December by churches and unions Economic sanctions against South Africa. Submissions to the United Nations urging for adoption of a resolution calling for international isolation of South Africa Boycott on South African products Read more about the Montgomery bus boycott. Read more about the United Nations and apartheid. Source: http://www.stanford.edu/group/King/publications/ http://www.mecca.org/~crights/dream.html http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/solidarity/mlking02.html