2 March 1996
On the 2 March 1996, President Nelson Mandela paid his first state visit to Mali. While there, he addressed the National Assembly at Bamako where he emphasised that his visit was about building economic, cultural, and political links between Mali and South Africa. He also thanked the people of Mali for their support during the years of Apartheid as well as praising them for their commitment to democracy and the Unity among Africans. In closing Mandela mentioned the many challenges still faced by African nations.  He and urged the assembled politicians to join with him and other like minded people to find solutions and to ensure prosperity and stability to the continent. This visit was part of a strategy by the Mandela led ANC government to normalise relations between South Africa and the rest of Africa after years of social, economic  and cultural isolation.

African National Congress Speeches [online] Available at: www.anc.org.za [Accessed on 25 March 2013]|

South African Government Information ADDRESS BY PRESIDENT NELSON MANDELA TO THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF MALI BAMAKO, 2 MARCH 1996 [online] www.info.gov.za [Accessed on 25 March 2013]