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Part 1 - Building The National Movement
Document 1 - Harry Snitcher , Unite Against Segregation! Condemn the C.A.C. [1943]
Document 2 - Against the C.A.D. for Full Democratic Rights [1943]
Document 5 - Johannesburg Anti-CAD Committee, Bulletin Number One [1943]
Document 8 - The Ten-Point Programme [1943]
Document 10 - Y. M. Dadoo , "The Non-European Unity", Freedom, 4,1, February 1945
Document 13 - Sarah Mokone [Victor Wessels] "The T.A.R.C.", Majority Rule : Some Notes. Chapter XIX
Document 14 - "Short History of Betrayal", Freedom , New Series, 1, 5, 1 November 1948
Document 17 - Letter from I. B. Tabata to Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe , 13 August 1949
Document 18 - Letter from C. I. R. Fortein to John Gomas, 29 April 1950
Document 19 - K. A. Jordaan, "The T.A.R.C. Debacle", Discussion, 1,1 [June 1950]
Document 20 - F. Carneson, "The Franchise Action Committee”, Discussion, 1, 3, June 1951
Document 24 - “Wreckers at Work", (Editorial), Liberation. 18, April 1956
Document 25 - Letter from E. R. Roux to John Gomas, 23 July 1956
Document 26 - Letter from Patrick Duncan to John Gomas, 3 October 1956
Document 27 - Letter from John Gomas to The Editor, New Age, 15 October 1956
Document 29 - Kenneth Hendrickse, "The Opposition in Congress", The Citizen 3, 3, 4 March 1958
Document 36 - "“N.R.C. Boycott Campaign to be intensified", The Guardian, 18 December 1947
Document 38 - “I.B. Tabata, The Boycott as Weapon of Struggle 9, June 1952
Document 39 - “Walter Sisulu, "Boycott as a Political Weapon", Liberation, 23, February 1957
Document 40 - Anti-CAD, Why You Should Not Vote [1958]
Document 41 - John Gomas, Separate Representation ”””” Our Damnation [1958]
Document 44 - "The Revolt of the Women", The Soyan, December 1959
Document 45 - Ray Alexander, "Trade Unionism in South Africa", Discussion, 1, 6, 1952
Document 47 - "Answer to Government's Apartheid Unions", The Citizen. 1 3, 30 April 1956
Document 48 - “The Anti-C.A.D. and the Trade Unions", The Torch, 1 April 1958
Part Two - The National Question
Document 55 - H, J. Simons' 14 , "Nationalisms in South Africa", Forum Club, Cape Town, May 1954
Part Three - The Agrarian Question
Document 60 - Letter from J. D. Rheinallt Jones to Ruth First, 31 August 1944
Document 62 - Tabata, The Rehabilitation Scheme: A new Fraud, December 1945
Document 64 - Progressive Forum 6 , Johannesburg [June 1950]
Part Four - The Turn to Armed Struggle
Document 68 - Ben Turok, The Pondo Revolt [c. 1960]
Document 71 - National Committee for Liberation, Announcement [20 December 1961]
Document 73 - “"Revolution?", Assegai, no. 2, March 1963
Document 74 - "The Peasants' Struggle", Assegai, no. 2, March 1963
Document 75 - APDUSA and the nation, June 11,1963 [”¦]
Document 77 - Yu Chi Chan Club , Pamphlet No. II: The Conquest of Power in South Africa [1963]
Document 78 - Memorandum from the Pan-Africanist Congress of South Africa [c. July/August 1963]
Document 79 - African Resistance Movement, Announcement [1964]