From the book: The Story of PR Pather, the grand old man of Indian politics in South Africa - by Riashnee Pather

Bibliography Primary Sources   


Interview with Ambiga Pather. 25 September 1998 Durban Interview with Masla Pather. 17 November 1998. Westville Interview with Mavis Pather. 17 November 1998. Westville Interview with Bhavani Lutchmia. 17 November 1998. Westville

Newspapers and Magazines

Fiat Lux. February 1970. Volume 5. No. 1

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Official Documents

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Natal Indian Organisation. Report of the Joint Honorary Secretaries to the Second Provincial Conference of the NIO. 16 March 1952.

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The Leader. 19 March 1982

The Leader. 29 November 1991. 6 December 1991

The Leader. 19 November 1993. 3 December 1993. 1 July 1994. 19 August 1994.

The Leader. 21 January 1994. 1 April 1994. 22 April 1994.