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Classroom: Educational sites for learners and educators

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Interactive and educational sites for learners and educators: These websites are recommended for use as an extra resource and as an 'activity' tool for the classroom, aimed at school kids.

South African Educational Portal
Welcome to the Thutong Portal: Delivering information, curriculum, and support materials to the South African schooling and FET College community.

Apartheid museum, understanding Apartheid
The website hosts a supplement for educators and learners to promote the understanding of Apartheid. The project is supported by the Department of Education and it is a great resource to refer to while you are teaching/learning about the curriculum topics on Apartheid.

BBC's history for Kids
We highly recommend this link. The site hosts 'illustrated walks through time', a quiz section, interactive and educational games that can be played in the classroom and much more | visit the website

To compliment the South African History Curriculum sections on the world wars, we recommend these topics:

Once you become familiar with the BBC site you will notice that there is also a history classroom section that covers many topics that are included in the South African history curriculum.

Learn History
This is a British website that covers similar classroom history topics to the BBC Kids site. It is a good resource particularly for the curriculum topics on the history of medicine, and the world wars.

Spartacus Educational
This is a great website that covers almost every single topic on world history. We have often used this website as a source for the SAHO curriculum topics.

Ancient Africa
Kidipede, a history of africa for kids.

History Detectives
Join the history detectives club! This is a great resource to use when teaching or learning about heritage, identity and oral history. The interactive site emphasises the importance of analysing your surroundings and history.

The World Almanac for kids
This encyclopedia type site provides a good overview of various histories. There is a great section on South Africa, but look at the other sections as well. Use the category icons or the search function to find material applicable to the topic that you are studying in class.
Great world history timelines!

History World
An ever-expanding online history resource to make history make sense!

The History Channel's website
A great world history source which has a classroom section.