Published date
Gregory Houston & Bernard Magubane (2006), The ANC's Armed Struggle in the 1970s, in The Road to Democracy in South Africa: Volume 2, 1970-1980, UNISA Press p.468-469.
Dieter Nohlen, Michael Krennerich, Bernhard Thibaut (1999), Elections in Africa: A data handbook, Oxford University Press p.65.
Tor Sellström, (2002), Sweden and National Liberation in Southern Africa: Solidarity and Assistance, Volume II, 1970-1994, Stockholm p. 707
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Cleveland, Todd (2005), "We Still Want the Truth": The ANC's Angolan Detention Camps and Post-Apartheid Memory inComparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East - Volume 25, Number 1, pp. 63-78