Published date
22 February 1871
John Langalibalele Dube (22.02.1871- 11.02.1946) was born at the Inanda Mission station of the American Zulu Mission (AZM) in Natal to James and Elizabeth Dube. His father, James Dube was one of the first ordained pastors of the American Zulu Mission. Dube’s grandmother was the first convert of the Lindley Mission Station. Dube’s uncle Mqawe was a Zulu chief.
Dube spent his early years at Adams School where his father served as a Congregational Minister. In 1887 John Dube left South Africa to study at Oberlin College in the USA. In 1894 he married Nokutela Mdima Dube . He later founded the Natal Bantu Teachers Association, which was known as the Natal African Teachers Union (NATU) for professional Black teachers. Dube played a pivotal role in the political and socio-economic development of Black people in Natal. John Dube fought against the injustices against Black people and tried to gain a sense of equity during his lifetime
South African History Online, John Langalibalele Dube, Url number https://www.sahistory.org.za/people/john-langalibalele-dube , [Accessed on 6 February 2017].
J.A Millard, Dube John Langalibalele , from Malihambe -Let the Word Spread, Pretoria, Unisa Press,1999,sourced from Dictionary of African Christian Biography, Url number https://www.dacb.org/stories/southafrica/dube_john.html , [Accessed on 6 February 2017].