Published date
6 September 1966
Parliamentarian Service Officer Dimitri Tsafendas stabs main architect of apartheid Prime Minister H.F. Verwoed to death. A prior attempt on his life since becoming Prime Minister was on the 9 April 1961, at the Rand Easter Show, where he was shot twice in the face. Verwoed was sitting at his desk in the House of Assembly when Tsafendas attacked him with a knife. During his trial, Tsafendas claimed that a giant tapeworm inside of him had instructed him to kill the Prime Minister. He escaped the death sentence after being declared insane by state psychiatrists. He was sentenced to solitary confinement at the Pretoria Central Prison, where he died at the age of 81. Members of the Greek community in Krugersdorp buried him.
Rob March,Famous South African Crimes [online].Available at www.africacrime-mystery.co.za [Accessed: 04 Sepetember 2013]