13 January 1910
Catherina Charlotte Kotzenberg  was born in De Aar on 13 January 1910. She started writing books at the age of thirty and chose to write under the pseudonym, Tryna du Toit. Throughout her writing career, she produced about 40 novels. 

One of her novels, Groen koring, was made into a film in 1965, but was temporarily banned because it dealt with teenage pregnancy, a controversial topic at the time. Du Toit was also a qualified teacher, having trained at the Willington Training College. She obtained her teaching diploma in 1930 and taught at the same college for two years. She died in 2005 at the age of 95.

Human and Rosseau,  "Tryna du Toit biographical info",From: Human and Rosseau, [online] Available at: www.humanrousseau.com [Accessed on 7 December 2012]|

Nb Publishers, "Tryna du Toit Biographical Info",From:Nb Publishers, [online] Available at: www.nb.co.za [Accessed on 7 December 2012]