Published date
15 February 1986
Pretoria University developed from the Pretoria branch of the Transvaal University College. The branch was established in 1908 and has since developed into a fully functional world class University. The medium of communication was Afrikaans and the University was exclusively for Afrikaans speaking population until the mid-eighties.
On 15 February 1986, the university admitted its first twenty black students. It has since opened a campus in Hammanskraal which caters for black students, and in 2004, it merged with the defunct Vista University’s Mamelodi Campus. Today the university has three languages of communication, Afrikaans, English and Sepedi.
University of Pretoria," University of Pretoria Historical Overview",From: University of Pretoria,[online] Available at: web.up.ac.za [accessed on 31 February 2012]|
Politics Web," Apartheid and the universities",From: Politics Web, [online] Available at: www.politicsweb.co.za [Accessed on 31 January 2013]