Published date
22 January 1984
Seekings J.(2000) The UDF: A History of the United Democratic Front in South Africa, 1983-1991, David Phillip Publishers (Pty) Ltd, 208 Werdmuller Centre, Claremont 7708 South Africa, pp 100|SAHO, UDF Timeline, from South African History Online, [online], Available at [Accessed: 8 January 2014]
On 22 January 1984, amidst the Apartheid government’s constitutional reform plans, the United Democratic Front (UDF) embarked on an ambitious campaign to collect one million signatures from the public, declaring opposition against the Apartheid government and its constitutional reforms, and as a show of support for the UDF. By the end of the campaign in October, it had only managed to collect close to 400 000 signatures. The organisation blamed the failure of the campaign on police harassment of its supporters and prospective participants, but the party’s internal conflict, inexperience of its leadership and differences in priorities could also have contributed to the disappointing outcome.