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Title Place Type Province Place Category
googleAdendorp, Eastern CapeFarm, VillageEastern Cape
googleAdmiralty House, SimonstownBuilding, House, MonumentWestern Cape
googleAfrica South Art Initiative (ASAI), University of Cape TownCommunity Hall, UniversityWestern Cape
googleAfsaalnek, MpumalangaCampsite, Holiday Destination, Pass, River, ValleyMpumalanga
googleAG Bain Monument, GrahamstownMonument, PassEastern CapeHistorical Site
googleAgakoe Mountain, Eastern CapeMountain, Outdoor Activities, PassEastern Cape
GoogleAgate Terrace, Port St. JohnsBeach, Cliff, Holiday DestinationEastern Cape
wonderwerk_caves_960_472_80auto_s_c1_center_center.jpgAggeneys, a Town at the foot of the Aggeneys Mountain in the NamaqualandFarm, Mine, Mountain, TownEastern Cape Bus Stop, in the Eastern CapeHoliday Destination, River, TownshipEastern CapeRenewable Energy
googleAgincourt, MpumalangaCommunity Hall, Township, UniversityMpumalanga
googleAgomed, Eastern Central NamibiaHoliday Destination, Outdoor Activities, Settlement
googleAgricultural Publications Building, Vermeulen Street, PretoriaBuilding, House, MonumentGautengHistorical Site
googleAgtersrivier and Kou Bokkeveld Pass , Western CapeMountain, Outdoor Activities, Pass, RiverWestern Cape, Eastern CapeDam, District, HospitalEastern Cape a Mountain Region in the Route 62, Cape WinelandsDam, Mountain, Outdoor Activities, Valley, Wine EstateWestern Cape Historical Site National ParkArchaeological Site, Church, Lighthouse, Museum, ShipwreckWestern Cape Historical Site
568px-botswana_nxai_pan_np_baynes_baobabs.jpgAha Hills, Northern Cape Border With Namibia and BotswanaHillNorthern Cape, Kwa-Zulu NatalFort, Monument, Municipality, Railway SidingKwazulu NatalIndustry, NamibiaCampsite, Hiking Trail, Outdoor Activities, Spring
googleAiab, Stream in NamibiaOutdoor Activities, River
Air Force Museum, Port ElizabethMuseum
500px-coldstreams_guards_at_diamond_hill.jpgAirlie, a Railway Station near Waterval OnderMunicipality, Railway StationMpumalanga a Complex of Suburbs, of PretoriaBattle Site, Outdoor Activities, RiverGautengHistorical Site
440px-f6f-3_royal_navy_bethpage_1943.jpg Akasiapark, Residential Area for Civil ServantsSettlement Mountain PassMountain, Outdoor Activities, Pass, Valley, Wine EstateWestern Cape Historical Site
GoogleAkkoordskop, a Hill in the Western CapeBay, Harbour, HillWestern Cape Historical Site Mosque, Cape Town Church, City, Hill, Memorial, MosqueWestern Cape Group Areas, Historical Site
googleAlabama, KlerksdorpMonument, Municipality, TownshipNorth WestHistorical Site
googleAlbany, Eastern CapeRegionEastern CapeHistorical Site Dam, LimpopoDamLimpopoRenewable Energy Klip, Northern CapeHeritage Site, Mine, Monument, Outdoor Activities, PeakNorthern Cape Historical Site
Albert Falls- photo courtesy of Andre Bouwer Albert Falls, near PietermaritzburgOutdoor Activities, River, WaterfallKwazulu Natal Jackson School, Port ElizabethMonument, School, SuburbEastern CapeHistorical Site
Albert Road 7, MowbrayBuildingWestern Cape, Mossel Bay- The Garden RouteDistrict, Municipality, VillageWestern Cape,_GautengAlberton, GermistonFarm, Municipality, SuburbGautengIndustry, Suburb of JohannesburgCity, Farm, SpringGauteng, JohannesburgFarm, SuburbGauteng, KimberleySchool, Suburb, Township, UniversityEastern Cape
albertyn_cottage_king_george_way_simonstown_06.jpgAlbertyn’s House, SimonstownHouse, MonumentWestern Cape Historical Site
" a Railway Siding in Kwa-Zulu NatalRailway SidingKwazulu NatalIndustry Bay, NamaqualandBay, Harbour, Mine, Outdoor Activities, ShipwreckNorthern Cape Historical Site
google mapsAlexandra, Township in JohannesburgForced Removal, TownshipGautengGroup Areas Nzo District Municipality, Kwa-Zulu NatalBeach, District, Municipality, Outdoor ActivitiesKwazulu NatalHistorical Site
Flag of Algeria.AlgeriaCountry, Hindu Temple, Holiday DestinationAfricaRenewable Energy, Capital of AlgeriaCityNorth West Bay, East Coast of Cape of Good HopeBay, Beach, Harbour, LighthouseEastern CapeHistorical Site
googleAlgoa Park, Suburb of Port ElizabethBay, Harbour, Outdoor Activities, SuburbEastern Cape
googleAlice, a Town near East LondonDistrict, Railway Station, TownEastern Cape
googleAlicedale a Village in Albany DistrictRailway Station, Town, University, VillageEastern Cape