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Last name First name Synopsis Date of birth Date of death
J Mthembu
Jabane Petrus 11-November-1980
Jabane (Lion of Chiawelo) Petrus

Member of the ANC, MK, was killed in combat engaging South African Security Forces, recipient of the National Order for Bravery 

6 January 1957 November 1980
Jabanje Levy
Jabavu John Founder of the first Bantu-language newspaper in South Africa, political leader in the Cape and educator. 11-January-1859 10-September-1921
Jabavu Alexander

Political activist, member of the ICU

1889 1946
Jabavu Davidson

Academic and writer

20-October-1885 03-August-1959
Jabavu Helen Writer and journalist 20-August-1919 19-June-2008
Jabu 11-November-1986
Jabulani Mkhize
Jabulani Mkuzo
Jabulani Radebe
Jack Nkabinde
Jack Musutabantu
Jack Samukele
Jack Nzuzu
Jack Jaxa
Jack Phikwane
Jack Mkhuseli "Khusta"

Political activist, Eastern Cape UDF Executive member, businessperson

Jack Mziwonke 19 June 1991
Jack Mthetwa
Jackson Zatu
Jackson Mosengela
Jackson Maseti
Jackson Ntsoane
Jackson Mbali
Jackson Lumumba
Jackson Mdinga
Jackson Mabele
Jacob Nkatlo
Jacob Padi
Jacob Zweni
Jacob Molefe
Jacob Mashigo
Jacob Msiza
Jacob Monare 11-November-1991
Jacob Seathlolo
Jacob Litlakanyane
Jacob Diba
Jacob Nghidinum
Jacobs Xoliso 22-October-1987
Jacobs Peter
Jacobs Yusuf

teacher, principal, rector of Bechet College, member of APDUSA and Chair of KESP

Jacobs Mervyn 08-September-1976
Jacobs John 09-September-1976
Jacobsz Hendrik
Jaffe Basil

A medical doctor and part of the Young Communists league.

Jaffer Zubeida


Jakavula Herbert
Jale David
Jali Thamsanqa


James Vincent
James Ben
James Kati
James Kayo
James Buyaphi
James Chirwa
James Liwonde
James Sibisi
James Mdluli
James Ngqondela
Jameson Leander

Medical Doctor; Matabele Induna; Member of the Pioneer Column; Chief Magistrate of the British South Africa Company; Administrator of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe); leader of the Progressive Party; Prime Minister of the Cape Colony; leader of the Unionist Party.

09-February-1853 26-November-1917
Jana Devikarani

Human rights lawyer and underground ANC operative; member of the South African Law Commission; former Member of Parliament; South African ambassador to the Netherlands and Ireland, Deputy Chairperson of the South African Human Rights Commission and author.

5 December 1943 10 October 2020
Jansen Robert


05-August-1949 07-July-2010
Jansen Judge

South African Appeal Court judge.

27 June 1918 2011
Jantjes Gavin

South African artist, academic and curator

Jantjies Timothy
Jantjies Tembekile
Jantjies Robson
Jantjies Robson
Jantjies Mnyand 1964 1 September 1987
Jantjies Mnyanda 01-September-1987
Januarie Charlie
Januarie Radebe
Jarsa Bisho
Jason Fanie


Jassat Abdulhay Political activist, member of TIC and MK 12 June 1934
Jassat Essop

Medical doctor, Chairperson of the Transvaal Indian Youth Congress, the Transvaal Indian Congress and the Transvaal anti-SAIC Committee, member of the ANC, Member of Parliament, patron of the United Democratic Front.

Jasson Christina

Trade unionist, SACTU member and 1956 Treason trialist

Jatoiva Toiva
Jaxa Jack
Jaxa Vezile 1937 1 November 1963
Jaza Felix 02-November-1963
Jebe Xola 11-November-1984
Jeewa Ebrahim
Jefferey Keye
Jeffrey Baardman
Jekeqa Phindile
Jele Rueben
Jele Josiah

African National Congress (ANC) Director of International Affairs, ANC’s political commissar in Tanzania and Ambassador to United Nations (UN) and an Award winner of The Order Luthuli in Silver.

Jenkin Timothy

South African writer, former anti-apartheid activist and political prisoner. He is best known for his 1979 escape from Pretoria Local Prison (part of the Pretoria Central Prison complex), along with Stephen Lee and Alex Moumbaris.

Jenkins Trefor

A medical doctor.

Jensma Wopko


Jeppe Julius

Mining and property magnate, knighted for his pioneering role in the development of Johannesburg.

July 1859 02-September-1929
Jeremia Francis
Jeremiah Leeuw
Jeremiah Mekhae
Jeremiah Nefolovhodwe
Jeremiah Ekandjo
Jeremy Alan
Jerry Lentsoane
Jessop Jill

A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA), banned by the apartheid government.

Jewell Gillian
Jezile Phillip
Jhaveri Abdullah

Political activist

Jhaveri Omar
Jiba Fanie 3 June 1992
Jibiliza Nellie

Member of the ANC, Regional secretary of the African National Congress Women’s League and FEDSAW, and member of the

1926 June, 1933
Jijase Patrick

Miner, Worker, Marikana Casuality

16 August 2012
Jim Irvin Irvin Jim is a Trade Unionist who is a firm Marxist follower. He was the spokesperson for NOMUSA when it was removed from the Congress of South African Trade Unions. He is a critique of the ruling ANC party, and he accuses them of failing with the implementation of the 1955 Freedom Charter and blames them for Xenophobic violence.  He is a secretary of the Socialist Revolutionary Worker. 01 February 1968
Jim Magagula
Jimmy Ngyogolo
Jimmy Mabasa
Jimmy Ngobeni
Jinta Holiday
Jiyane Lucas
Joab Kweza
Job John
Job John
Jobo Titus
Jobodwana Patricia

Youngest Black women to graduate from a South African university

Jobodwana Gcinumzi
Joel Gwabeni
Joel Kers
Joel Siduma
Joffe Louis

A member of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA)

Joffe Max

A member of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA)

Johannes Mahlangu
Johannes Mapanga
Johannes Hlapo
Johannes Boesak
Johannes Bogale
Johannes Seleka
Johannes Shabangu
Johannes Ndlovu
John Gaetswe
John Gamya
John Xintolo
John Nkosi
John Marao
John Pati
John Peter
John Phala
John Piet
John Masinga
John Msizu
John Mtana
John Mtati
John Ramashabu
John Seroke
John Shidomo
John Siganga
John Nene
John Menzeleli
Johnson Gail
Johnson Nongena
Johnson Nyathi
Johnson Monde
Johnson Nkosi

HIV child activist

4 February 1989 1 June 2001
Johnson Kondoti
Johnson Erol 04-February-1977
Johnson Monde
Johnson Sideio
Johnson Dlevu
Johnson Peter 11-November-1984
Jojo Ntlabati

banished person

Jokanisi Semi

Miner, Worker, Marikana Casuality

13 August 2012
Jolobe James James

Author and poet

25-July-1902 16-May-1976
Jolobe Litha
Jomo Mnisi
Jona Zakhele
Jonas Samuel 1932 9 July 1965
Jonas Mashego
Jonas Mashiwela
Jonas Samuel 1932 9 July 1965
Jonas Bongani
Jonas Lawrence 26-December-1976
Jonas Naghivela
Jonathan Hermanus
Jonathan Mathe
Jonathan Sibiya
Jones John

Director of the SAIRR, writer, researcher, and editor, member of Senate

05-July-1884 1953
Jones Peter

Activist and member of the Black People's Convention.  He was arrested with Steve Biko in 1977.

Jones Hekelia
Jones Cyril

A member of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA) and the Springbok Legion

Jones David

Rabbit hunter, politician and founder member of the CPSA.

1883 13-April-1924
Jongele Mbekeza
Jongile Madikane
Jongile Mgweba
Jongumzi Sisulu
Jonker Ingrid


19-September-1933 19-July-1965
Joosub Mohamed Hajee

Community activist

1862 27 August 1944
Jordaan Daniel

Anti-apartheid activist, lawyer, lecturer, soccer administrator, Member of Parliament, Danny Jordaan was awarded the Order of Ikhamanga in Gold for ensuring that  South Africa secured the right to host the 2010 FIFA World Cup  and for the suc

Jordaan Jan

Painter, sculptor and graphic artist

1948 2014
Jordan Zweledinga Pallo

Former Minister of Arts and Culture, political activist, analyst and writer.

22 May 1942
Jordan Archibald

Novelist, author and academic

30-October-1906 20 October 1968
Josef Kashea
Joseph Helen

Teacher, social worker, political activist, political prisoner, banned person, trade unionist, founder member of the Congress of Democrats, recipient of the ANC's highest award, the Isitwalandwe/Seaparankoe Medal for her devotion to the South African liberation struggle.

08-April-1905 25-December-1992
Joseph Jack

Photographer and political activist

Joseph Zami
Joseph Malingwe
Joseph Ntsoelengoe
Joseph Ipangelwa
Joseph Pani
Joseph Pantshwa
Joseph Mashigo
Joseph Balizulu
Joseph Mpongoshe
Joseph Matiwane
Joseph Booi
Joseph Koza
Joseph Mayedewa
Joseph Daniels
Joseph Ndabesita
Joseph Maake
Joseph Ndhlovu
Joseph Simelane
Joseph Madijo
Joseph Mafi
Joseph Sono
Joshua Maleeme
Joshua Msitshana
Josiah Makofana
Jospeh Leepile
Joubert Ismail "Tatamkhulu Afrika"

Author, poet, political activist, World War II prisoner of war, founder member of Al-Jihaad , member of MK.

07-December-1920 23-December-2002
Joubert Piet

Commandant General, Acted as President of the Transvaal

20-January-1831, 28-March-1900
Joubert Elsa

Teacher and celebrated novelist

Joubert Marlise

journalist, librarian, poet, writer, editor and painter

Joubert Kefa
Joyi Twalimfene

Member of the ANC, banished person

31 March 1976
Joyi Marelane

Banished person

Joyi Milton
Joyi Twasifeni 22-February-1977
Joyiya Mxolisi
Jude Francis
Julius Matulana
Julius Landingwe
July Elby
July Pakana
Justice Mpanza
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